I have taken the liberty of taking this from "The Jesus Mysteries" by Timothy Freke abd Peter Gandy:
The Missing Man
There is nothing more negative than the result of the critical study of
the life of Jesus. The Jesus of Nazareth who came forward publicly as the
Messiah, who preached the ethic of the kingdom of God, who founded the kingdom
of heaven upon earth, and died to give his work its final consecration, never
had any existence. This image has not been destroyed from without, it has
fallen to pieces, cleft and disintegrated by the concrete historical problems
which came to the surface one after another.
We began our quest for the historical Jesus with the
Romans. Jesus is said have been crucified by the Romans and they were renowned
for keeping careful records of all their activities, especially their legal
proceedings, so we felt we could be optimistic that they would mention such a
celebrated case as that of Jesus. Unfortunately, however, there is no record of
Jesus being tried by Pontius Pilate or executed.
This was an extremely literate period in human
history. Here is a list of Pagan writers who wrote at or within a century of
the time that Jesus is said to have lived:
Arrian Pliny the
Elder Martial
Petronius Appian Plutarch
Seneca Juvenal Apollonius
Dion Pruseus Theon of
Smyrna Pausanias
Valerius Flaccus
Florus Lucius
Silius Italicus
Dio Chrysostom
Aulus Gellius
Valerius Maximus
The works of these writers would be
enough to fill a library, but not one of them refers to Jesus. The only Roman
writers to mention anything of interest are Pliny, Suetonius, and Tacitus, who
were writing at the beginning of the second century.
Pliny, the governor of Bithynia in Asia Minor, wrote a very short
passage to the Emperor Trajan in 112 CE requesting clarification on how to deal
with troublesome Christians. The Roman historian Suetonius, in a list of miscellaneous
notes on legislative matters (between considering the sale of food in taverns
and briefly discussing the behavior of charioteers), relates that in 64 CE,
"Punishment was inflicted on the Christians, a class of men given to a new
and wicked superstition. " But all these sources really tell us is that a
few Christians existed in the Roman world-which is not in doubt-and that they
were not considered of any particular importance. They tell us nothing about
Jesus himself.
Suetonius also relates that between 41 and 54 CE, the Emperor Claudius
expelled the Jews from Rome, "since the Jews constantly made disturbances
at the instigation of Crestus." Although Crestus was a popular name, this
is often taken as a corruption of "Christ." Even if this were true,
however, Christ is simply a Greek translation of "Messiah" and there
were at the time any number of would-be Messiahs rousing the Jews to rebellion,
so the supposition that any reference to "Christ" necessarily refers
to the Jesus Christ of the gospels is completely unfounded. Anyway, Jesus is
not believed to have ever visited Rome. Again, all we are really being told is
that Claudius had to deal with troublesome Jews, which was a regular occurrence
in Roman history.
The Roman historian Tacitus does give us a little more. Writing about
the great fire of Rome in 64 CE, he states that nothing could eliminate the
rumor that Emperor Nero had himself started the blaze, so Nero blamed the
fabricated as scapegoats, and punished with every refinement, the notoriously
depraved Christians (as they were popularly called). Their originator, Christ,
had been executed in Tiberius' reign by the procurator of Judea, Pontius
Pilate. But in spite of this temporary setback the deadly superstition had
broken out afresh, not only in Judea (where the mischief started) but even in
Rome. All degraded and shameful practices collect and flourish in the capital.
evidence of Tacitus is not contemporary, however, but dates from about 50 years
after the event. As governor of Asia c.112 CE, he must have bee familiar with
Christian "troublemakers," as his friend Pliny obviously was. The
only thing that would make Tacitus' writings an independent testimony to the
existence of Jesus and not merely the repetition of Christian beliefs would be
if he had gained his information about Christ being crucified under Pontius
Pilate from the copious records that the Romans kept of their legal dealings.
But this does not seem to be the case, for Tacitus calls Pilate the
"procurator" of Judea when he was in fact a "prefect," so
Tacitus is clearly not returning to the records of the time but quoting hearsay
information from his own day.
their obsession with records and histories, that concludes our survey of
relevant Roman texts. However, it could be argued that other Roman literature,
which may well have mentioned Jesus, has been lost over time. But surely any
such texts would have been carefully preserved by the Roman Church once it held
power in the Empire. Not only this, but it is safe to assume that well-educated
early Christians, such as Justin Martyr, would have quoted these texts in support
of Literalist Christianity, but they do not. There are only two credible
explanations for Jesus' conspicuous absence from Roman texts. Either there
simply was no historical Jesus or Jesus seemed of so little importance to the
Romans that he was deemed not worthy of mention. Let us turn, therefore, to
Jewish historians. To the Jews Jesus would either have been the long-awaited
Messiah or a blaspheming impostor who stirred up the masses. Either way,
someone somewhere should refer to him.
was an eminent Jewish author who lived at the same time that Jesus is supposed
to have lived and wrote around 50 works that still survive. They deal with
history, philosophy, and religion, and tell us much about Pontius Pilate-yet
make no mention at all of the coming of the Messiah Jesus. Philo's
contemporary, Justus of Tiberias, was a Jew who lived near Capernaum, where
Jesus was often said to have stayed. He wrote a history that began with Moses
and extended to his own times, but again gave no mention of Jesus.
is still Josephus, however, a younger contemporary of the apostle Paul. He
wrote two famous history books, The Jewish Wars and the monumental Antiquities
of the Jews. These two works are our most important sources of information
on the history of the Jewish people during the first century of the Christian
era. And here at last, as one might expect, we seem to find the evidence we are
looking for. Josephus writes:
about this time lived Jesus, a wise man, if indeed one might call him a man.
For he was one who accomplished surprising feats and was a teacher of such
people as are eager for novelties. He won over many of the Jews and many of the
Greeks. He was the Messiah. When Pilate, upon an indictment brought by the
principal men among us, condemned him to the cross, those who had loved him
from the very first did not cease to be attached to him. On the third day he
appeared to them restored to life, for the holy prophets had foretold this and
myriads of other marvels concerning him. And the tribe of the Christians, so
called after him, has to this day still not disappeared.
also tells us that when the "miracle-worker" was brought before
Pilate, he concluded that Jesus was "a benefactor, not a criminal, or
agitator, or a would-be king." Josephus relates that as Jesus had
miraculously cured Pilate's wife of a sickness, Pilate let him go. However, the
Jewish priests later bribed Pilate to allow them to crucify Jesus "in
defiance of all Jewish tradition." As for the resurrection, he tells us
that Jesus' dead body could not have been stolen by his disciples, which was a
common argument advanced against Christian claims that Jesus miraculously
resurrected, since "guards were posted around his tomb, 30 Romans and
1,000 Jews"!
hundreds of years these passages in Josephus were seized on by Christian
historians as conclusive proof that Jesus existed. Critical scholarship,
however, has revealed them to be much later additions to Josephus' text. They
are not of the same writing style as Josephus and if they are removed from the
text, Josephus’ original argument runs on in proper sequence. Writing at the
beginning of the third century, Origen, whom modern authorities regard as one
of the most conscientious scholars of the ancient Church, tells us that there
is no mention of Jesus in Josephus and that Josephus did not believe that Jesus
was the Christ since he did not believe in any Jewish Messiah figure.
was in fact a pro-Roman Jew. He was hated by his fellow countrymen as a
collaborator, which led him to flee Judea and live in Rome until his death.
Here he received patronage from two Emperors and a wealthy Roman aristocrat.
does mention various would-be Jewish Messiah figures-about whom he is entirely
uncomplimentary. At the time he was writing, the long held belief amongst Jews
that their God would send them the Messiah to free his people from oppression
had become an obsession. But Josephus had his own interpretation of what he
calls this " ancient oracle.” He did not deny that it was a divine
prophecy; but believed that his fellow Jews had misunderstood it completely.
According to him, the prophesied ruler of the world had come in the person of
the Roman Emperor Vespasian, who had happened to be proclaimed Emperor while in
Judea! It is absolutely inconceivable
that Josephus could have, quite suddenly, broken with his style of writing, all
his philosophical beliefs! and his characteristic political pragmatism to write
reverentially about Jesus!
Christians who, like us, searched for historical evidence of Jesus' existence,
would have seized on anything written by Josephus as conclusive proof. Yet
early Christians do not mention Josephus. It is not until the beginning of the
fourth century that Bishop Eusebius, the propagandist of the Roman Church,
suddenly produced a version of Josephus which contained these passages. From
that point onward, Josephus became the foundation for the historicity of Jesus.
Unable to
provide any historical evidence for Jesus, later Christians forged the proof
that they so badly needed to shore up their Literalist interpretation of the
gospels. This, as we would see repeatedly, was a common practice.
there is no evidence for the historical Jesus in the writings of Jewish
historians, there are a handful of passages in the Jewish Talmud that are
sometimes wheeled out to provide some evidence for Jesus the man. These are
clearly not Christian forgeries. Here
is what they say:
.:. It has been taught: On the eve of Passover they hanged
Yeshu . . . because he practiced sorcery and enticed Israel astray.
.:. Our rabbis taught: Yeshu had five disciples-Mattai,
Nakkia, Netzer, Buni, and Todah.
.:. It happened with Rabbi Elazar ben Damah, whom a
serpent bit, that Jacob, a man of Kefar Soma, came to help him in the name of
Yeshu ben Pantera.
.:. Once I was walking on the upper street of Sepphoris,
and found one of the disciples of Yeshu the Nazarene.
"Yeshu" is a shortened form of "Yehoshua" or
"Joshua," which in Greek becomes "Jesus," so perhaps these
passages are about the Jesus of the gospels!
However, dismissing the fact that we have mention of only five disciples
with completely unrecognizable names, there are other reasons why these
passages are not the proof we are seeking.
The fact that we have a mention of
"Yeshu the Nazarene" is not extraordinary. The Nazarenes were a
Jewish religious sect and the use of the word does not imply "from
Nazareth." Yeshu was an extremely common name that could refer to any number
of people. Josephus mentions at least 10 Jesuses, although it is revealing to
note that some translations of Josephus only translate the passages that they
want the reader to identify with Jesus Christ using the Greek version of the
name that we all recognize, while leaving the names of all the other Jesuses in
the untranslated Hebrew!
As the scholar who unearthed these passages in the Talmud admits, even
if they do refer to Jesus and not some other Yeshu, they cannot be taken as
proof of Jesus' existence, because they are written so late. Although based on
older writings, the Talmud was not written unti1200 CE, and we do not know
whether these were early passages. Anyway, the rabbis are so vague in their
chronology that they differ by as much as 200 years in the dates they assign to
the figure that mayor may not be Jesus!
There does
not seem to be anything substantial here. Where else can we look? Remarkably
enough, that's it! We've reviewed all the potential historical evidence for
the existence of Jesus. Extraordinary as it may seem, there simply is nothing
else. All we are left with are Christian testimonies. Can these be regarded as
historical documents?
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